The Top 10 Gripes Women Have With Their Partners
- Not getting on with her family.
- Using her toothbrush (really, who does this)
- Leaving the toilet seat, er, soiled.
- Hating her friends.
- Not being good with children.
- Being lazy.
- Having a bushy, unkept beard.
- Not disposing of nail clippings.
- Driving recklessly.
- Being grumpy.
It's funny becuase as I read through this list, I have encountered and become annoyed at everything on this list at one point or another (except the toothbrush thing, gross) It makes me wonder what the list of gripes that men have with us would look like?
- Leaving makeup, hairbrushes and items of clothing- everywhere?
- Expecting men to be mind readers?
- Gossiping?
- Not owning a pair of jeans where their butt DO NOT look fat?
- Complaining about our driving?
- Complaining about our clothing?
- Complaining about our friends?
- Complaining?
Who knows? All I know is that Josh talks too loud, farts too much and isn't as refined as the men that im use to. He also carries my bags in from the car when I'm exhusted, unpacks them so I can shower and fall into bed. He understands me when Im cranky becuase Im tired and feeds me when Im cranky because Im hungry (apparently, I get cranky a lot). He tells me that Im beautiful, everyday, and I know that he is always on my team. All the other things will be ironed out in time (just give me time) There was obviously a good reason that women were created for men, a good twisted reason. Choose to celebrate the little differences and enjoy them! Enjoy each other!