10 things I learnt this week.
10 Things I Learnt This Week.
Mum: Hi
Phone rings- it's husband (dad)
Mum: Why are you calling me
Dad: Cause you texted me
Mum: I know! You are supposed to text back, not call!
Dad: Can I help it that I prefer to hear your voice, rather than text you?
Mum: Yea, you need to get over that. I prefer texting AND Im watching Oprah!
Dad: But, you texted me.
Mum: I know, I am a grest multitasker, however, I cant talk to you on the phone and watch TV!
Dad: You are ridiculous!!
Mum: So.
How am I so normal?
Hey, its ok
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, although given that it is only 11:29pm on Wednesday night, I am a tad early. I like the concept of thanksgiving, maybe even more than Christmas. I think it is important to take a step back sometimes and realise just what you have and be thankful for it.
I am thankful for-
1. My family.
2. My friends.
3. My vintage Chanel bag
4. Suitcases on wheels
5. That I have found someone 15cm taller than me, allowing me the option of heels
6. Mixed CD's
7. My passport
8. Shelly
9. Rice pudding
10. Diet coke with lime
11. Card games.
12. 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers and 10 toes
13. Skype
14. The post office
15. That I am slowly learning not to stress the small stuff.
16. That the sun will still rise tomorrow
17. That life is what you make of it.
18. Morning emails.
19. My Revlon eyebrow pencil
20. Black&white photographs.
21. That I am the only person who has the ability to be me and do it well.
The list could go on and on...
What are you thankful for?
L Train.
Confused tourist: Excuse me, I want to take the red line.
Confused New Yorker: You needed to get off at the last stop.
Confused tourist: No, I got on at last stop. Want to take the red train.
Confused New Yorker: Yes, you needed to get off at the last stop.
Confused tourist: But I'm not going to that stop.
Confused New Yorker: No, you aren't.
Confused tourist: How do I get on red line?
Confused New Yorker: Help me!
--L Train
10 things I learnt this week
Me, today
...read an entire magazine cover to cover
....plan to have champagne when i get home
...have pretty painted toenails
...wonder why some people are annoyingly persistent
...won't let the grey weather get me down
....realise that I do get out what I put in
...am having a good hair day.. the day I decide to cut it
...feel happy and rather centered
It's ok ...