
    "Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planers, the doers, the succesful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you, to leave this world better than when you found it"

    -Wilfred Perterson

    10 things I learnt this weekend

    1. Chai tea with honey is good for the soul.
    2. I am often inspired by artwork I see in hotel bathrooms.
    3. I think that children and grandchildren should be able to march with their Diggers.
    4. A kiss from the Boyf still makes me giddy.
    5. 'Pravda' means truth in Russian
    6. I need to start taking more pictures and painting more art.
    7. There is more than one way to take off socks.
    8. Going away with the Boyf, even if the weekend didn't quite go as smoothly as expected, is a weekend well spent. I love every minute I spend with him. (ok, I knew this before this weekend)
    9. Some days this blog saves my sanity.
    10. Only accept the things that you cannot change.

    Happy Monday

    10 Things

    1. Sometimes the best photos of people are the ones where they never realised they were being photographed.
    2. Some labels you should acually read.
    3. Apparently you should eat fruit on an empty stomach.
    4. Men are walking contradictions.
    5. I am way too fond of my pajamas and slippers.
    6. This week, I am questioning everything I thought I wanted.
    7. A mini-break with the Boyf was quite successful.
    8. It's ok to want to ask all the "wrong questions" and to not know all the anwsers.
    9. Farmer's markets are the way to go.
    10. I wonder, is love really all we need?

    things that men will never understand

    1. Just because we have a grey cashmere cardigan/ Miu Miu bag, it never ever means we don't need another one.

    2. Making us watch football is the equivalent of us making you paint your toenails. It goes against nature.

    3. Scarlett Johansson wouldn't go out with you if you met her. Think realistic for your laminated list. That's why we've ditched Brad Pitt for a more realistic Robert Pattinson, who is single and hasnt adopted half of the developing world.

    4. If your proposal isn't at least as extraordinary as our friend Andrea, Tiffany or Jessica's. We'll probably never quite forgive you.

    5. "Are those space-pants? Because your ass is out of this world..." may get a laugh, but in no way guarantees said pants are coming off.

    6. Making the bed. "But we're just going to get back into it later." It. Doesn't. Matter. Make the damn thing.
    7. Tupperware and cling-film. Allow us to introduce you to these magical things that keep your food fresh and your fridge from smelling like socks.

    8. Somebody once said that the pain of childbirth is equivalent to being repeatedly kicked in the balls for however many hours the labour lasts. Think that over.
    9. Fart jokes are only funny if you have a penis.
    10. Blonde hair and a cleavage don't automatically denote a good-time girl. Nor do brunette hair and sophisticated clothes denote intelligent 'wife' material. They're totally interchangeable. Rarely, but sometimes.
    11. We'd rather you didn't have a perfect six-pack. When you do, it makes us feel like we need one too. Which ain't gonna happen.

    12. Topgear is to you, what Oprah is to me. enough said.

    13. Flowers, chocolates and cards may all seem like an over-priced, sickly romantic waste of time. But they are important to us, and make us feel oh-so-special.

    Realistically, this list could go on forever. At the end of the day, I love our differences. I love being with a man who is the salt to my pepper. the sweet to my sour. the night to my day. Men create the perfect contrast and I am lucky enough to be with one that brings out the best in me. Lets challenge and embrace our differences.

    Continue this list as a comment. xo

    I've decided that...

    life's too short for...
    1. Sugar-free desert. How good can an unsweetened cookie really taste?
    2. Patience. Whoever said that Patience was a virtue obviously haven't done a whole lot of air travel.
    3. Not splurging on that designer bag at least once.
    4. Leave in hair conditioner. use it. wash it. get over it.
    5. Knitting your own jumpers.. One word -Country Road.
    6. Getting out of your pajamas on a cold, windy wet day.
    7. Making your career the focus of your life.
    8. Not giving into temptation very once and awhile.
    9. Organic carrots.
    10. To not get to know your neighbours.
    11. Putting honey in coffee.
    12. Holding a grudge.
    13. Nagging.
    14. Baggage (unless it's the duty-free kind)
    15. Life's too short to not appreciate those amazing people around you. It's too short to spend your time looking around at what others have and comparing. And last but definitely not least, life's too short to not use all the love in your heat every single day.

    its for you

    Darlings, as most of you know it's almost Valentines Day- So, I thought i'd do an 'It's for you' in honour of this wonderful (yet totally commercialised) heart covered day :)
    How this post works: I will answer the below very random questions- then YOU can answer the questions as a comment. Why? Because sharing is caring *winks*.
    1. I think Valentines Day... is a silly & sweet idea, but I personally would prefer to be surprised with a love gift on an unexpected day of the year.

    2. One of my favourite romantic movies is.... The Notebook.

    3. Love song of the week? 'Stay With You'- John Legend

    4. What would you like to get most for Valentines Day? I would love a romantic handmade card or a handwritten love letter. Girls are really quite simple creatures.

    5. This Valentines Day I.... don't care what I do, as long as I get to spend it with the Boyf. Hear from the Boyf. Talk to the Boyf. Like I said, women are so simple. Valentines day needn't cost a fortune, at the end of the day women want to feel appreciated. To know that their hard work doesn't go unnoticed and that the man in our lives just couldn't imagine his life without us in it. Simple.
    (I secretly have big expectations for my very first couple-clad Valentines Day)

    10 things I learnt this week.

    1. Wearing pearls makes me feel grown-up
    2. Flipping through Top Gear magazine makes me want a new car.
    3. I am a self-confessed control freak.
    4. Sometimes old friends save the day.
    5. I think I am more of a romantic than I thought.
    6. Buds Beach is my new favourite breakfast destination.
    7. I really enjoy meeting new people.
    8. I have everything I need, and I didn't even realise it.
    9. Very few people can wear short shorts...lets be honest.
    10. It's never too late to start doing things differently.

    Tiny Dancer

    I try to get to my Zumba classes at least 10 minutes early so I can peak into the ballet studio located just down the hall. I stand there, giddy, watching the ballerinas gracefully move with the music from the piano. I love their leotards. I love their tights. I love their flats.

    I once was a ballerina. I was four. Maybe five. I can't quite remember but I do remember that I insisted on wearing my underwear with my leotard. So, naturally, my bright pink Barbie underwear remained in plain sight for all to see when prancing around.

    My mum used to sit on the side with the other mums and whisper "come here!" Coaxing me over to the side in between leaps&twirls. She would quickly try & adjust my leotard as to hide the fact that my oversized underwear was hanging out.

    I decided I had had enough & declared myself finished with ballet. I couldn't handle the constant shoving-of-the-underwear-back-into-my-leotard. Personally, I didn't mind the extra fabric sticking out the sides.

    Perhaps that was a sign that "grace" is not my strong suit. ...

    Song of the moment.

    Crazy Love

    "I cant hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
    And the heavens open up every time she smiles
    And when I come to her that's where I belong
    Yet I'm running to her like a river's song

    She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

    She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

    She's got a fine sense of humour when I'm feeling low down
    And when I come to her when the sun goes down
    Take away my trouble, take away my grief
    Take away my heartache, in the night like a thief

    She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

    She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

    Yes I need her in the daytime

    Yes I need her in the night

    Yes I want to throw my arms around her

    Kiss her hug her kiss her hug her tight

    And when I'm returning from so far away
    She gives me some sweet lovin' brighten up my day
    Yes it makes me righteous
    Yes it makes me feel whole
    Yes it makes me mellow down in my soul"

    -Van Morrison

    1. Its my birthday in 6 days.

    2. A one minute kiss can burn 26 calories... I'm just sayin'

    3. Egg poachers are an amazing invention.

    4. Tomorrow was promised to no one, all we have is today.

    5. I should have been born rich, not just beautiful :)

    6. I enjoy champagne... maybe a little too much.

    7. I have the best boyfriend on the planet.

    8. Fresh cut flowers are tens times better when you didn't get them for yourself.

    9. Ice-cream is always better eaten out of a cone.

    10. Its important to make the people you love feel special everyday.

    Don't you say it's too early
    Baby I don't want to waste the day
    When we've everything on our side
    And nothing in our way

    We can do what we want to
    'Cos today the world is ours
    Nothing gray, just real time and colour
    In which to whittle away hours

    We could speak 'til nothings left unspoken
    We could drive 'til we run out of road
    We could drink 'til we've emptied the ocean
    But I'd be happy here
    Happy just to hold you

    'Til the sun and planets disappear
    I could stay in your arms all year
    Even if that means infinity through
    If being productive is being with you
    Then baby I don't want to waste another day

    I'll shout aloud what I'm feeling
    Let my tongue be still no more
    Now that I know that it's the real thing
    Just try and keep me quiet about it

    'Cos we could stare until we both are blinded
    We could fall 'til gravity gets tired
    We could lose our love just to re-find it
    But I'm just happy here
    Happy staying beside you

    I want to drive along the Great Ocean Road.
    Wanna come?

    "It's been my experience with men that you have to spell it out for them. Use flash cards and go slow, I'll buy you those bright jumbo crayons" -Linda Snow

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